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Cognitive Stimulation Therapy


What is Cognitive Stimulation Therapy?

Cognitive stimulation therapy is a form of therapy used to stimulate and engage individuals, particularly those living with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, to maintain and preserve cognitive functioning. This style of therapy can be done for a wide variety of people, including people with healthy aging seniors, people with intellectual disabilities, and children.

Cognitive Stimulation is often offered as a range of enjoyable activities providing general stimulation for thinking, concentration, and memory, usually in a social setting, such as a small group. Trained providers can provide therapy for people living in residential facilities, hospitals, and day programs. They may provide cognitive stimulation therapy one-on-one, in a group, via telehealth sessions, or in a classroom setting.

What are Examples of Cognitive Stimulation Activities?

Cognitive stimulation activities serve to engage and challenge cognitive processes essential for daily functioning. These activities encompass a broad spectrum, ranging from exercises and games to tasks and therapies.  By targeting cognitive domains like attention, memory, problem-solving, and executive functions, cognitive stimulation aims to maintain or enhance cognitive abilities. With this purpose, individuals can exercise their mental faculties through diverse and stimulating activities, promoting cognitive health and overall well-being.


What are Key Aspects of Cognitive Stimulation?

Cognitive stimulation programs are designed with several key principles in mind to engage individuals and enhance cognitive functioning effectively:

Engagement: Activities are designed to be mentally engaging and challenging, requiring active participation from individuals. These activities include digital cognitive exercises, worksheets, bridging workbooks, full-body activities, or puzzles. 

Variety: Different activities targeting various cognitive domains are incorporated to provide a diverse and comprehensive cognitive workout.

Progression: Activities may be structured to gradually increase in difficulty or complexity to challenge cognitive abilities and promote improvement continuously.

Social Interaction: Some cognitive stimulation programs involve social interactions, which can further enhance cognitive functioning by encouraging communication, collaboration, and social engagement.

Does it work?

Cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) has been extensively studied, particularly in people with dementia, where it has shown effectiveness. However, further research is needed to explore its potential benefits in other populations, such as individuals with intellectual disabilities, Parkinson’s disease, and children’s cognitive development.


Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of CST:

Farzana, F., Sreekanth, V., Mohiuddin, M. K., Mohan, V., Balakrishna, N., & Ahuja, Y. R. (2015). Can individual home‐based cognitive stimulation therapy benefit Parkinson’s patients with mild to moderate cognitive impairment?. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 30(4), 433-435.

Orrell, M., Aguirre, E., Spector, A., Hoare, Z., Woods, R. T., Streater, A., … & Russell, I. (2014). Maintenance cognitive stimulation therapy for dementia: single-blind, multicentre, pragmatic randomized controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 204(6), 454-461.

Spector, A., Thorgrimsen, L., Woods, B. O. B., Royan, L., Davies, S., Butterworth, M., & Orrell, M. (2003). Efficacy of an evidence-based cognitive stimulation therapy programme for people with dementia: randomized controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 183(3), 248-254.

Why does it work?

CST engages individuals in mentally stimulating activities, which can lead to neuroplastic changes in the brain. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections in response to learning and experience. By challenging cognitive functions such as attention, memory, problem-solving, and executive functions, CST promotes the development of new neural pathways and enhances cognitive functioning.


Conditions that Benefit from Cognitive Stimulation

Parkinson's Disease


Alzheimer's Disease

Intellectual Disabilities

Learning Disabilities

Using HappyNeuron Pro

HappyNeuron Pro offers a comprehensive platform for cognitive therapy, with highly adaptable exercises to meet individual patients’ specific needs. Through its adaptability features, therapists can tailor exercises to match each patient’s cognitive abilities and requirements, ensuring the difficulty level is appropriate for their unique circumstances. This customization allows for effective therapy sessions where patients are appropriately challenged, promoting skill development and cognitive improvement.

The versatility of HappyNeuron Pro extends to its application in therapy settings. Therapists can use the exercises with individual patients or within group therapy sessions, catering to different preferences and therapeutic approaches. Whether patients benefit from one-on-one interaction or thrive in a group environment, HappyNeuron Pro’s exercises can accommodate diverse needs and preferences. Additionally, HappyNeuron Pro is its flexibility in session delivery. Patients can engage in exercises remotely or in person, depending on their preferences or logistical considerations. This flexibility is precious in today’s healthcare landscape, where telehealth and remote therapy options have become increasingly common. Regardless of the mode of delivery, HappyNeuron Pro ensures that patients receive consistent and high-quality cognitive therapy experiences.

Lastly, the platform supports ongoing engagement and practice outside of therapy sessions. Therapists can assign home workouts to patients, providing them opportunities for regular practice and reinforcement of cognitive skills. This consistent engagement between sessions maximizes the benefits of therapy, promoting continuity of care and enhancing cognitive outcomes over time. In essence, HappyNeuron Pro offers a versatile and effective solution for cognitive therapy, with customizable exercises, adaptable delivery options, and support for ongoing patient engagement. By harnessing the power of technology and tailored interventions, therapists can optimize their therapy sessions and empower patients to achieve meaningful cognitive improvements.

Recommended exercises

Memory exercises


Visual & Verbal Working Memory

Shapes and Colors 

Visual Memory 

Words, Where Are You? 

Verbal & Spatial Memory


Spatial Memory

Attention exercises

Ancient Writing

Pattern Recognition  

Private Eye

Visual Attention 

Find Your Way! 


Two Timing

Divided Attention 

Executive function exercises

Basketball in NY



Deductive Reasoning 

Hurray for Change

Switching Tasks 

Ready, Steady, Count!

Arithmetic Reasoning


  • Cognitive stimulation is appropriate for patients with dementia, Parkinson’s, learning disabilities, or intellectual disabilities.
  • This style of cognitive therapy may help patients preserve and maintain cognitive function and may help decline to occur more slowly in patients with dementia.
  • Individuals can work on preserving memory, attention, executive functioning skills, and other cognitive skills with HappyNeuron Pro.
  • HappyNeuron Pro’s adaptable cognitive exercises can be tailored to the patient’s unique needs.
  • HappyNeuron Pro can be used in a variety of contexts so that the patient is able to get consistent cognitive exercise.
  • To try out HappyNeuron Pro with your patients, sign up for a free trial!