Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy

Cognitive rehabilitation or cognitive retraining therapy aims to rebuild cognitive functions that have been impaired
and help patients return to their daily lives.

On this page, we’ll explore what Cognitive rehabilitation therapy is, how it works, the different types of CRT, and how HappyNeuron Pro exercises can help.

What Is Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy?

Cognitive rehabilitation refers to a number of therapies that offer retraining in cognitive functions. The main focus is to correct deficits in memory, concentration and attention, perception, learning, planning, sequencing, and judgment. Cognitive rehabilitation therapy (CRT) aims to enhance the person’s capacity to process and interpret information. This can improve the person’s ability to function in all aspects of daily life, such as maintaining relationships with family and friends, working, and participating in their community.



Individuals may need to focus on restoring, strengthening, and sharpening cognitive functions impaired due to a brain injurystroke, or another medical incident. In cognitive rehabilitation therapy, a clinical provider will work with patients by providing them with cognitive exercises to perform, hands-on, bridging activities, and discussion questions to help them learn and translate cognitive strategies to their everyday lives.

Who can benefit from CRT?

CRT aims to rehabilitate cognitive functions that have become impaired due to a brain injury, stroke, or multiple sclerosis. Individuals who have experienced these conditions may benefit from participating in a cognitive rehabilitation program. Through completing CRT with a clinician, individuals with these conditions may strengthen their memory, attention, language, executive function skills, and more.

cognitive rehabilitation

How does it differ from other cognitive therapies?

CRT is related to other cognitive therapies such as cognitive remediation and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), but there are important distinctions. Cognitive remediation also aims to rebuild deficits in cognitive functions. However, it is generally used to address cognitive deficits due to psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. CBT addresses emotions and behavior rather than cognitive functions. Individuals who have experienced a condition that affects their cognition, such as a brain injury or stroke, may participate in multiple therapies during their recovery.

Does it work?

Cognitive rehabilitation therapy has been extensively studied, and new research is continuously emerging. Studies indicate that this therapy has a positive impact on patients who have suffered from brain injury, stroke, or multiple sclerosis. Cognitive rehabilitation therapy includes various therapeutic techniques, such as computerized cognitive training, neurofeedback, and assistive technology.

Are there multiple types of cognitive rehabilitation?

Yes, there are two different approaches to CRT: restorative and compensatory.

Restorative CRT

Restorative CRT’s goal is to improve cognitive function by reinstating or strengthening the functions a person has either lost due to an injury or continues to find challenging.




A person finds it difficult to remember what they need to do in a day or pay attention to tasks given to them by another person. To help with this, a medical professional may assign different memory tasks to improve their memory. A therapist may use worksheets that challenge memory or digital exercises that challenge memory functions.


Restorative CRT repeatedly challenges a person to practice skills so that they might be able to improve their cognitive deficiencies by using the concept of neuroplasticity.

Compensatory CRT

Compensatory CRT helps an individual work around their injury. Oftentimes, individuals use an assistive device such as:


  • assistive speech devices
  • calendars, memory tools, smart devices
  • alarms to regain a person’s attention in specific contexts


The hope is that compensatory cognitive rehabilitation will be temporary until an individual builds up a new skill. Still, it may also be a long-term strategy when restoring a person’s functioning fully is impossible.

The four steps to cognitive rehabilitation:

There are four major steps to cognitive rehabilitation.

  • Education of injury and treatment
  • Process training
  • Strategy training
  • Functional activities training

Each section is essential to help the individual receiving treatment understand the process. HappyNeuron Pro tools help clinicians across all areas of the treatment. From providing blog articles to cognitive therapy, we aim to be there for each part of cognitive rehabilitation. 

Is HappyNeuron Pro a Restorative CRT or a Compensatory CRT?

Our digital tool is often used for restorative cognitive rehabilitation. Our functional activities help to stimulate and challenge all areas of cognition.  With 45 exercises, we have plenty of activities to help your patients work on cognitive skills!

Did you know we create free worksheets for cognitive rehabilitation?

Our digital tool has inspired us to create a printable product for you to use with your clients. We offer free mini worksheets 2x a month. 

Conditions that may benefit from Cognitive Rehabilitation


With cognitive rehabilitation therapy, clinical providers can work with patients with aphasia to learn and implement effective communication strategies. This might help them to express themselves the way they want using written and spoken language.

cognitive rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury

Traumatic Brain Injury

Brain injuries can occur from birthing complications, falls, incidents of violence, sports, and motor vehicle accidents. Cognitive rehabilitation may help your patients with a TBI build back essential cognitive functions.

Multiple Sclerosis

This condition causes demyelination of the nervous system. Quality of life and social functioning improvements have been demonstrated using cognitive rehabilitation therapy for people with MS.

post stroke, cognitive rehabilitation for stroke


Strokes can cause cognitive, psychosocial, and motor skill complications. Cognitive rehabilitation therapy may help patients with stroke relearn and compensate with new cognitive strategies to help them live more independently.

Recommended exercises

With our adaptability features, the exercises can be tailored to the patient’s specific needs and made to be the appropriate difficulty level for them.


HappyNeuron Pro’s exercises can be used with individual patients, and in a group therapy context. They may be completed remotely or in person, and home workouts can be assigned to the patient so they get consistent practice in between sessions with the clinician.

Memory exercises


Visual & Verbal Working Memory

I Remember You!

Visual & Verbal Memory 


Spatial Memory

Words, Where Are You? 

Verbal & Spatial Memory

Attention exercises

Two Timing

Divided Attention 

Ancient Writing

Pattern Recognition  

Private Eye

Visual Attention 

Find Your Way! 


Executive function exercises

The Towers of Hanoi

Planning, Reasoning

Basketball in NY



Deductive Reasoning 

Hurray for Change

Switching Tasks 


  • There are two kinds of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy – Compensatory CRT and Restorative CRT.
  • Cognitive rehabilitation is appropriate for multiple conditions, including MS, Stroke, TBI, and Aphasia.
  • Cognitive rehabilitation may help patients to improve cognitive function.
  • Individuals can work on improving memory, attention, executive functioning skills, and other cognitive skills with HappyNeuron Pro.
  • HappyNeuron Pro’s adaptable cognitive exercises can be tailored to the patient’s unique needs.
  • HappyNeuron Pro can be used in a variety of contexts so that the patient is able to get consistent cognitive exercise.

Getting Started

If you are a clinician looking for effective cognitive exercises and digital tools to incorporate into your practice, we would love to help!

With HappyNeuron’s digital tools, we aim to save clinicians time and provide truly useful resources so they can focus on what really matters – helping their patients. Reach out to us to learn more and get a free trial!