Cognitive Remediation Therapy


What Is Cognitive Remediation Therapy?

Cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) is a form of therapy that is used to improve cognitive functioning in people with cognitive impairment. Individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorderdepression, and other psychological disorders often experience positive impact from these interventions. 

How does CRT work?

CRT consists of practicing cognitive skills with computerized cognitive training, using printed worksheets, performing bridging activities, and having facilitated discussion. The goal of each sessions to to help translate the practiced cognitive skills to the real world. 

Who can benefit from Cognitive Remediation?

Cognitive remediation is designed to help individuals who are coping with a psychiatric condition such as schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar disorder, or depression. Individuals with these conditions may experience impairments to cognitive abilities such as planning, paying attention, problem-solving, organization, remembering details, and more. CRT aims to strengthen the impaired cognitive skills.

How is it different from other cognitive therapies?

Typically, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is utilized in the treatment of these conditions, which addresses emotional and behavioral effects. CBT can be highly beneficial in a patient’s treatment, but it doesn’t address the entirety of the issue. In addition to emotions and behavior, the brain’s cognitive functions are affected by psychiatric conditions. Healthy cognitive functions are necessary for daily functioning, including working, maintaining relationships, and engaging with routines. Cognitive Remediation addresses this important aspect of recovery and aims to help patients improve their attention, memory, executive function skills, and more.

Is it effective?

Now more than ever, cognitive remediation is widely accepted and used as an intervention method. Studies have also found that it is possible to remediate cognitive complications experienced by those living with psychological disorders. Two of the leading styles of intervention are NEAR and ABCR.


The NEAR Approach

The acronym NEAR stands for “Neuropsychological Educational Approach to Remediation” and was developed by Dr. Alice Medalia. NEAR focuses on educating individuals about their cognitive strengths and weaknesses, as well as providing strategies and techniques to compensate for and improve cognitive functioning.


ABCR, “Action Based Cognitive Remediation,” was developed by Dr. Christopher Bowie. ABCR uniquely combines principles of cognitive-behavioral therapies with cognitive training. To date, except for cognitive remediation, no treatments (including medications) address the neurocognitive impairments that are core features of psychotic disorder and the best predictor of community function and disability.  

Real World Usage of Intervention

As a result of the research, several different clinician groups have developed programs to help their clients return to work. 


Clinicians in British Columbia are using ABCR as an intervention to assist their vulnerable populations in returning to work. Additionally, clinicians in Australia are implementing CRT technics in an organization called WISE IDEA

Explore our Research:

There is a lot of research surrounding the efficacy of cognitive remediation therapy. Here are some of the many studies evaluating the efficacy of cognitive remediation therapy for psychological disorders:


Best, M. W., Gale, D., Tran, T., Haque, M. K., & Bowie, C. R. (2019). Brief executive function training for individuals with severe mental illness: effects on EEG synchronization and executive functioning. Schizophrenia Research, 203, 32-40.

Medalia, A., & Freilich, B. (2008). The neuropsychological educational approach to cognitive remediation (NEAR) model: practice principles and outcome studies. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 11(2), 123-143.

Miles, A., Crosse, C., Jenkins, Z., Moore, G., Fossey, E., Harvey, C., & Castle, D. (2021). ‘Employ Your Mind’: a pilot evaluation of a programme to help people with serious mental illness obtain and retain employment. Australasian Psychiatry, 29(1), 57-62.

Thérond, A., Pezzoli, P., Abbas, M., Howard, A., Bowie, C. R., & Guimond, S. (2021). The efficacy of cognitive remediation in depression: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 284, 238-246.

Our Cognitive Remediation Software

Our Cognitive therapy software, HappyNeuron Pro, is the leading choice of clinicians for cognitive remediation. Clinicians across the world are using our digital software and cognitive worksheets to help improve the lives of their patients. Learn more about our software features and how our tool can benefit your practice today!

What is Digital Cognitive Remediation?

Digital cognitive remediation is CRT that incorporates digital tools. A digital program like HappyNeuron Pro can be utilized in-person, in a telehealth appointment, in a group therapy session, or in most other settings! As long as you have internet, you can help your patient overcome obstacles in their cognition with digital cognitive exercises.

Our digital program, HappyNeuron Pro, as well as our worksheets, may be used for cognitive remediation therapy. The frequency and type of exercises used depends on the condition.

How to use HappyNeuron’s products for cognitive remediation:

Our digital program, HappyNeuron Pro, as well as our worksheets, may be used for cognitive remediation therapy. The frequency and type of exercises used depends on the condition. Download our guide below to get answers, or speak to one of our product specialists. They can help you figure out the best way to use our products for your patients’ specific needs, and get you set up with a free trial!

Conditions that may benefit from Cognitive Remediation

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may occur after someone experiences a traumatic experience, such as active combat. PTSD can cause individuals to suffer from severe depression, suicidal thoughts, and cognitive disability. Currently being investigated for its efficacy, cognitive remediation therapy may be an effective therapeutic approach to help those living with PTSD.

Bipolar disorder can cause someone to have trouble regulating their emotions, thoughts, and experience memory loss. Cognitive remediation therapy may help people living with bipolar disorder stay on top of their daily responsibilities and learn strategies to regulate their behavior to avoid experiencing manic or depressive episodes.

Often thought of as a disorder that only results in hallucinations. Schizophrenia may cause cognitive impairment, poor motor coordination, reduced speech, and social cognitive problems. People living with schizophrenia may benefit from cognitive remediation therapy in order to help them gain employment, stay in college, and make friends.

Depression causes people to experience processing speed, memory, attention, and executive functioning problems. Cognitive remediation therapy may help your patients living with depression stay sharp and learn effective strategies to combat depression and manage it.


  • Cognitive remediation therapy is mainly provided to people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and other psychological disorders.
  • HappyNeuron Pro’s cognitive therapy software is the leading choice of clinicians for cognitive remediation.
  • Cognitive remediation is widely used by clinicians to help individuals return to work. 

Did you know we create free worksheets for cognitive remediation?

Our digital tool has inspired us to create a printable product for you to use with your clients. We offer free mini worksheets 2x a month. 

Interested in trying our digital tools?

Pulling from our decades of experience in Cognitive Therapeutics, we aim to help you enrich your practice through the use of digital and paper tools.