Cognitive Exercises For Stroke Patients

In the aftermath of a stroke, many patients face the daunting task of rebuilding the damaged neural connections during the event. Fortunately, cognitive exercises may be a significant tool in aiding stroke recovery and helping patients regain lost abilities. Cognitive exercises, designed to target specific cognitive functions such as attentionmemory, and language, may help to stimulate the brain’s ability to form new connections and rewire itself, also known as neuroplasticity.

By incorporating cognitive exercises into a stroke rehabilitation program, patients may enhance their overall cognitive function, improve their motor skills, and regain independence in daily activities. Studies have shown that regular engagement in cognitive exercises may boost brain plasticity, improve mental clarity, and enhance stroke survivors’ overall quality of life. With the guidance of healthcare professionals, stroke patients can engage in a variety of cognitive exercises, such as worksheetsmemory exercises, and problem-solving tasks, tailored to their specific needs and abilities. These exercises provide the brain with the necessary stimulation to rewire pathways, promoting recovery and facilitating a return to a fulfilling life.

How Can HappyNeuron Pro Help Stroke Patients?

HappyNeuron Pro is a digital cognitive therapy tool that provides speech-language based exercises. Speech and Langauge Pathologists (SLPs) use our software by providing stroke patients with speech and language writing exercises. Top stroke recovery speech exercises focus on teaching new strategies to recognize words, retrieve words, form sentences, comprehend written material, and encourage fluency. They also incorporate writing exercises for stroke patients.

We currently offer 45+ different cognitive therapy exercises and tasks to target different areas of cognition. As you work with your client, you can identify overlapping cognitive issues that may be impacting their ability to use language and engage with the world around them. Our other exercises can assist with these complications, and you can address them in and outside of the clinical setting using HappyNeuron Pro. Here are 8 unique exercises that target language skills as cognitive activities for stroke patients.

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We Suggest the Following Writing Exercises for Stroke Patients:

Split Words

Assists with word retrieval using lexical cues.
Try it!

This Story is Full of Blanks!

Requires patient to use their own vocabulary and grammatical knowledge to put together a coherent text with logical meaning.
Try it!

Words, Where Are You?

This exercise requires you to remember where words are on a screen. Trains visual and spatial memory in addition to perception.
Try it!

Elephant Memory

Trains strategy techniques to memorize material without learning it by heart.
Try it!

Seize the Keywords!

Engages written comprehension skills while training memory of events, times, places, and associated emotions by focusing on key words and finding logical associations between them.
Try it!

Writing in the Stars

This exercise trains logical reasoning for use in keeping track of appointments and engaging in group activities.
Try it!

Secret Files

Secret Files targets attention and deductive reasoning for problem-solving.
Try it!

Root It Out

This exercise trains verbal working memory.
Try it!

How Do We Fit Into Your Care Plan for Your Stroke Patients?

Your patient may be in the acute stage of recovery (2 weeks) or in the chronic stage (6+ months). Our tool is 100% adaptable to your patient’s needs and can be used in clinic or at home therapy sessions and even in specialized care facilities.

To see how we can be integrated into your practice and assist your clinicians in providing care to stroke patients, take time, and complete our Free Trial. You can access all of our digital content, as well as our free resources for additional material to use during your therapy sessions with your clients. If you are a researcher, please contact us about using our software for your research study.

Interested in trying our digital tools?

Pulling from our decades of experience in Cognitive Therapeutics, we aim to help you enrich your practice through the use of digital and paper tools.