Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

What is it?

ADHD is not just a behavior problem, but a complex multifactor problem that significantly impacts a person’s life. Everyday life functioning, social engagement, and self-esteem are impacted by the frustrations ADHD causes. It is important for supervisors, teachers, parents, peers and those with ADHD to understand the complexity of the disorder. People experience ADHD differently, and no two cases are alike. Some interventions may work for one person, but be ineffective for another.

What can be done for ADHD?

HappyNeuron Pro is designed to be used as a tool that provides stimulating content to practice cognitive skills. With ADHD, working memory, attention, and executive functioning are compromised. Therapists can use HappyNeuron Pro exercises to build these areas of cognition with their clients and help them transfer strategies their clients use to complete exercises to their daily lives. Assist your patient in building organizational skills, memory, and step-by-step processing. These skills are key as people with ADHD have difficulty finishing tasks, thoughts, and actions which can cause them to miss information that is relevant to them and their situation. By designing a workout plan that incorporates executive function, visual attention, verbal memory, visual memory, and auditory memory, you can help your patient strengthen these skills and guide them in applying them to everyday life.

Our clients working in the field of brain injury

Cognitive remediation for ADHD
can target the following cognitive skills

The ability to enable goal-oriented behavior, cognitive flexibility, and emotional regulation.

Skill to be able to translate sounds into words and generate verbal output.

The ability to focus on tasks and details in order to complete and use them.

The ability to hear, process, blend, segment, and use sounds to shape behavior.


Enables you to perform tasks quickly and accurately.

Ability to process incoming visual stimuli, understand spatial relationships between objects, and visualize images and scenarios.

Work on the ability to process, encode, store, and retrieve visual information.

The ability to remember something written or spoken that was previously learned.

Enables you to store and retrieve of information needed to plan a route to a desire location.

Recommended HappyNeuron Pro exercises

Executive Function Exercises

The Towers of Hanoi

Planning, strategy


Reasoning, strategy

Basketball in NY

Strategy, inhibition

Attention Exercises

Ancient Writing

Pattern Recognition  

Private Eye

Visual Attention 

Find Your Way! 


Memory Exercises


Attention, visual working memory

I Remember You!

Visual and verbal working memory 

An American In Paris

Verbal and visual working memory

Interested in trying our digital tools?

Pulling from our decades of experience in Cognitive Therapeutics, we aim to help you enrich your practice through the use of digital and paper tools.