Working memory (WM) is a vital cognitive function that helps us process information, make decisions, and learn effectively. It is a primary function we use every day. In this article, we will explore what working memory is, its components, and, most importantly, how you may enhance it through engaging activities.
Working memory is a cognitive system that allows us to hold and manipulate information temporarily. Think of it as your brain’s workspace where you actively process data for various mental tasks. It’s like your mental notepad, where you jot down and perform mental operations on important information.
Working memory may be improved and strengthened through targeted activities. Here are some engaging exercises that may boost your client’s cognitive skills:
1.) Memory Exercises: Our library of memory exercises has something for everyone. From verbal memory exercises to visual memory, engaging with our exercises may improve your working memory. Check out our library →
2.) Dual N-Back Training: This cognitive training task involves remembering visual and auditory stimuli sequences. It has been found to enhance working memory capacity. Our exercise, Two-timing, is based on this style of exercise. Give it a try here →
3.) Meditation and Mindfulness: Practicing meditation and mindfulness may improve attention control, a vital aspect of working memory.
4.) Chunking: Break down complex information into smaller, manageable chunks may ease the cognitive load on your working memory.
5.) Visualization: Engage in activities that require mental visualization, such as mental mapping, storytelling, or imagining familiar places. Try our digital exercise, An American in Paris →
6.) Listening to Music: Listen to classical or instrumental music, which may positively impact working memory and concentration.
7.) Worksheets: Worksheets are a great way to practice your memory without looking at a computer screen. Some people enjoy doing sudoku puzzles, while others enjoy memory-focused worksheets.
Working memory consists of three main components: The Phonological Loop, the Visuospatial Sketchpad, and the Central Executive.
Phonological Loop (inner voice)
The phonological loop is the system that obtains information from either written or spoken language. It has two distinct parts: the phonological store and the articulatory control process. These parts work independently from each other but share information.
The phonological store is the inner ear; it stores information that is heard for a few seconds. This is where verbal short-term memories are held during a conversation.
The articulatory control process. This inner voice interprets and rehearses the information from the phonological store. It is used during a conversation in constructing and producing the words. You are currently using it while you read this page.
The visuospatial sketchpad encodes and stores visual and spatial information. This means it stores objects, images, and visual-spatial information. Spatial information refers to the way people know their location in relation to other objects. For example, visuospatial sketchpad allows people to remember that they have a water cup next to them or where they parked their car.
This component acts, directs attention, and coordinates the processed sensory information. It plays a crucial role in task-switching and decision-making. It is essentially the filter and the brain’s manager.
Strong working memory is crucial for academic performance, problem-solving abilities, and daily functioning. It helps children learn in the classroom, professionals make strategic decisions, and individuals operate daily living. Still don’t believe us? Here are some of the ways we use working memory on the daily.
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