Who Performs Cognitive Remediation?

Cognitive remediation is a treatment method designed to help individuals who have experienced severe mental illness, such as in cases of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or psychosis. These conditions are generally treated with behavioral therapy, which is a crucial part of treatment but does not address the cognitive impacts of mental illness. That’s where cognitive remediation becomes useful.


If you or a loved one has experienced cognitive impairment from a psychiatric condition, you may have questions about how cognitive remediation works and who performs it. This page will address the expertise behind cognitive remediation and introduce you to the professionals driving this type of cognitive therapy.

Understanding Cognitive Remediation

Cognitive remediation aims to address the cognitive effects of mental illnesses specifically. When an individual experiences a severe mental illness, it is likely that they will experience some level of cognitive impairment as a side effect. Commonly, there will be deficits in executive functioning skills, attention, and memory. By working on these cognitive skills, individuals may exercise abilities that are part of daily life and, therefore, become able to function more effectively in their lives. 

For example, in cases of schizophrenia, executive function skills are one of the most common deficits. This means that the individual may experience trouble with problem-solving, planning, time management, making decisions, and inhibiting impulsive behaviors. By exercising these skills through cognitive remediation therapy, the individual may see improvements in these skills.

Who Performs Cognitive Remediation?


One type of clinician at the forefront of cognitive remediation are neuropsychologists. While a psychologist may focus more on the emotional side of a mental illness, neuropsychologists specialize in cognitive function and behavior. Neuropsychologists can typically conduct comprehensive assessments to identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses so that remediation programs can be tailored to individual needs.

Occupational Therapists

Occupational therapists play a crucial role in cognitive remediation, especially regarding practical applications. They focus on improving daily functioning and independence by utilizing cognitive exercises and practicing daily activities. This holistic approach helps to ensure that cognitive improvements can be integrated into everyday life.

Speech-Language Pathologists

Speech-language pathologists can provide cognitive remediation for individuals dealing with cognitive deficits in communication and language. They address cognitive communication difficulties and work on strategies to improve language processing, comprehension, and expression.

Rehabilitation Teams

In some cases, cognitive remediation is part of a broader remediation plan. Remediation teams, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and/or neuropsychologists, collaborate to provide holistic care. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that cognitive remediation aligns with overall rehabilitation goals.


A range of experts conducts cognitive remediation therapy. Each individual will have different needs in their cognitive therapy journey. Whether it’s the nuanced assessment of neuropsychologists, the practical integration of life skills by occupational therapists, or the language-focused interventions by speech-language pathologists, each professional brings their unique therapeutic skills to the table. Finding a specialist or team that understands your specific needs and tailors a cognitive remediation plan accordingly is essential.


We recommend contacting professionals specializing in this unique therapy if you’re considering cognitive remediation. Their expertise and dedication may guide you toward improved cognitive function. 


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