Telepractice in Cognitive Therapy

telepractice cognitive therapy

What is telepractice?

Telepractice is also known as remote therapy.

Telepractice is a method for clients to receive cognitive rehabilitation services without being the same physical space as their therapist. This style of therapy uses telecommunication and video-conferencing methods to virtually connect patients with licensed providers all over the country.

Telepractice can be used for cognitive rehabilitation therapy by providing the opportunity for clients to continue cognitive rehabilitation therapy in the safety and comfort of their own environment.

What patient populations can benefit from telepractice-delivered cognitive therapy?

Many clinical providers work with both children and adults. Telepractice delivered cognitive rehabilitation services can benefit people of all age groups.

People with learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, stroke, brain injury, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, and other health conditions that impact cognitive functioning can benefit from receiving telepractice delivered cognitive rehabilitation therapy.

Who can provide telepractice services?

Speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, psychologists, social workers, neuropsychologists, rehabilitation counselors, licensed professional counselors, neurologists, and psychiatrists.

If you are a licensed clinical professional, you can provide telepractice services as long as you abide by the legal guidelines set by your country and professional organizations.

Why should I provide telepractice services to my clients?

Providing telepractice delivered cognitive rehabilitation therapy services allows your clients to continue treatment without having to leave their homes. This is especially important for people with physical disabilities and people that may not have safe access to transportation.

By providing telepractice delivered cognitive rehabilitation therapy, you are allowing more of your clients to access therapeutic services safely and you can reach a broader range of people needing your therapeutic services.

Can a therapist provide telepractice therapy services for a school system?

Many speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and school psychologists provide telepractice therapy services to various school systems. School systems will seek telepractice services when a student needs a specialist that is not available in the community. This is often the case for schools that are located in remote areas.

Children accessing telepractice therapy services may be guided to a room where another adult is present that is a part of the child’s education plan. This adult would assist the student’s therapist in conducting the telepractice therapy session.

What are the laws and policies surrounding telepractice in my country?

This varies for each country. Because telepractice is a new advancement in healthcare, legal guidelines are not always up to date. It is best for any therapist to check with their country’s government, health organization, professional organization, and place of employment’s guidelines before providing telepractice services.

Some organizations, such as the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System (VA) or the Department of Defense (DoD) in the United States may have different guidelines for the provision of telepractice services.

In the United States, clinicians should also check with their insurance carriers to ensure that the insurance company allows telepractice services to be covered.

Are there resources available for therapists looking to provide telepractice services?

Yes, we recommend starting with some of these resources:

You can also check out our blog to read some short articles we’ve written about the efficacy of telepractice.

We highly encourage you to explore more on your own. You can seek more information from your professional organization and by searching on your country’s health organization’s webpage.

If you would like to know more about the research behind the efficacy of telepractice, you can review peer-reviewed articles on Google Scholar, PubMed, or other clinical journal websites.

How can I use HappyNeuron Pro for telepractice?

HappyNeuron Pro provides engaging content that allows patients to practice cognitive skills either individually or during a virtual group therapy session under the guidance of a licensed therapist. Therapists can create an unlimited amount of individual client accounts that allow their clients to access HappyNeuron Pro.

Therapists can also design customized exercise plans that allow their clients to build cognitive skills. If a therapist wishes to work with multiple clients at a time, each client can log into their own HappyNeuron Pro account without interfering with another client’s access.

By using video-conferencing, therapists can provide the same guidance as they would in person while their clients use HappyNeuron Pro from the comfort and safety of their own homes.

Many video-conferencing tools have screen share functionality that can allow a therapist to observe how their clients are performing cognitive tasks in real-time.

Get more details here about how to use HappyNeuron Pro in telepractice.

cognitive exercise mockup

Do you have any therapists currently providing telepractice services that use HappyNeuron Pro?

Quite a few! You can read about some of the many therapists who use HappyNeuron Pro to provide telepractice services for their clients.

If you’re interested in trying HappyNeuron Pro, start a free trial!

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