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Setting Up a Patient Account

Tracking a patient’s sessions is a critical step in any patient success plan. To track their progress in HappyNeuron Pro, you will first need to set up each individual patient’s account. Doing this is easy and only takes a matter of moments to set up.

Benefits of Creating Patient Accounts

Creating a Patient account will allow you to create a personalized experience targeting the needs of each patient.

It will allow you to choose what your patient can do in the program, it will give you the possibility to assign homework, it will track what this patient does, and give you detailed feedback for you to analyze and adapt the training.

Creating a Patient Account

To set up a patient account, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account on www.happyneuronpro.com
  2. Navigate to the Users section of the program
  3. Click on “Create a user” in the Creation box.

Filling in the Patient Information File

In the “Create a User” box, you will see the following fields:

  1. Title – This field is optional
  2. First & Last Name – Required. This helps to find a user in the user list and differentiate the data of each patient.
  3. Gender – This field is optional.
  4. Birthday – This field is optional.
  5. Log In & Password – Required. The log in must be unique to the patient. (Tip: we recommend using first.lastname). If you give this information to the patient, they are able to log in to their account outside of your sessions.
  6. Email – Optional, but advised. This will allow the patients to receive an email reminder on the day of homework, and let them log directly into their account so they don’t need to remember their username and password.

Advanced Options

The first option “View Performance Profile” indicates if this patient will be able to access the Performance profile module with all the results.

The “Manager Status” option allows you to give this account the ability to view and edit other accounts, making this account a Therapist account. Keep this unchecked for all patients.

Below, there is the option to “Allow user to choose variants”, which lets them control the level of difficulty they play the exercises at. If unchecked, patients will only play with the difficulty settings that they’re assigned.

Finally, the “Access exercises outside of workouts” allows you to control how the patient can access the exercises:

  1. Yes- This allows patients to log in to their account anytime and play the accessible exercises.
  2. Only after workouts – This allows patients to play accessible exercises only after they have completed their workout.
  3. No- This disables exercises for your patients outside of homework, so they can only play what is in their workout. Tip: If you gave your patient their login information, but don’t want them to access exercises outside of the sessions you’ve setup, select this option.


When you are done customizing the account, click Submit.

Once the account has been created, you will see all the following tabs: user information, exercises, workouts, results, notes, and messages.

Start the Training With the Patient

If you want to start using the patient’s account now, navigate to “User information” and click on “Log into”.

All the exercises completed will then be recorded under this account.

When you’re finished the session with this user, click “Logout” on the top right to log out of this patient account and back to your Therapist account.

Next Steps

Now that you have set up your patient accounts, try customizing their interface by selecting which exercises they can and can’t access:

Customize the User Interface Tutorial

You can also look into setting up homework for this patient.

Scheduling Workouts Tutorial

Page last updated on Aug 23,2019