Cognitive Training Activities by HappyNeuron Pro

An Ideal Tool for Activity Directors

This page is intended for therapists and activity directors, showing common uses cases of HappyNeuron Pro's Cognitive Therapy Tools with your community members or patients.

Activities for seniors and dementia patients for cognitive training

As an activity director, cognitive stimulation with fun and engaging activities is extremely important to you. Providing cost-effective and relevant tools for your clinical staff and patients to use can be a difficult task to accomplish. Finding the correct activities is time-consuming, and your clinical staff and therapists are in demand of materials to work with.


If this sounds like something you experience, or you find yourself using old pen and paper activities in group or single sessions, HappyNeuron Pro represents a much needed change for your organization, clinical staff and clients.

HappyNeuron Pro offers 45+ different activities to stimulate all areas of cognition: MemoryAttentionLanguageExecutive Functions, and Visual & Spatial Skills.  Our software has a complete user management system, performance reports, allows clients to perform home-based workouts, and much more. Each activity can be repeated many times with new content, because each task comes with thousands of data sets. Thus, there is less preparation time demand on your staff.

Since HappyNeuron Pro is a computer-based solution, it can be used in both group and individual settings. In a group setting, it’s easy for an activity or facilities director to manipulate the program while showing it on a television screen or a projector. During an individual setting, therapists can work one-on-one with clients to develop strategies to complete exercises. In addition, clients that want to engage with the program by themselves are able to do so from home.

Activities for seniors and dementia patients

A common use case we find in elder care centers and nursing homes is using HappyNeuron Pro as an activity platform for seniors, especially those diagnosed with dementia.


For people with dementia, memory can be significantly impaired. Progressive dementia like Alzheimer’s Disease or Lewy Body Dementia in particular rapidly damage the brain structures that host memory. This quickly affects working and declarative memory, making it hard to remember when events happened and to keep track of one’s current environment.


It’s possible to improve memory and develop strategies to help compensate for neurological deterioration, which is especially important for people with dementia. It is extremely beneficial for social and cognitive well-being for clients to engage in activities designed to improve skills such as spatial working memory among others. This helps reduce complications such as disorientation,  forgetting where an object is in a room and remembering one’s location in space.

Exercises for seniors and dementia

HappyNeuron Pro can help with activities like Find Your Way! During this activity, the patient must memorize a path and reproduce it. Clients may be asked to reproduce the path forward or backward, and can do so with or without help. In addition, clients can be challenged with as many steps as they can handle or fewer to ensure a fun and stimulating experience.


In daily life, we often use memory strategies similar to those employed during this exercise when we want to remember how to get to someone’s home for a visit.

Screenshot of HappyNeuron Pro exercise Find Your Way

When clinicians use the same methods, they can be boring for patients. If your patients are not engaged with their therapy, they will ultimately struggle to progress. Our activities are in the form of games rather than the worksheets, which can quickly become dull and repetitive.

Nowadays, more clinicians are starting to use computer-based exercises for their patients. Try it for yourself with a free trial!

Interested in trying our digital tools?

Pulling from our decades of experience in Cognitive Therapeutics, we aim to help you enrich your practice through the use of digital and paper tools.