Auditory > Auditory Attention

Sound Check

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Auditory > Auditory Attention

Sound Check

In this exercise, the user will hear several sounds, one after the other, from various musical instruments. They will have to focus on the pitch, length, and volume of these notes they hear and then determine which ones were the highest and the lowest, the longest and the shortest, the softest and the loudest.

Brain Areas Engaged 
how sound check engages the brain.

Learn more about this exercise:

This exercise activates attention, auditory memory, and the capacity to recognize and differentiate sounds. The temporal lobe contains the primary auditory cortex, which receives auditory information from the ears and secondary areas and processes it so we understand what we’re hearing.

It can be helpful in a noisy daily environment to sharpen the user’s capacity for auditory comprehension. Having more vital hearing ability may help individuals hear danger coming, an alarm set off at a distance, or their name being called out in a crowd. This exercise may improve the user’s ability to differentiate sounds according to their heights (low-pitched, high-pitched), duration, and volume (soft or loud). If individuals work on these skills, they may become more sensitive to the characteristics of sounds, especially in a musical context.

You can modify:

  • The number of series (from 1 to 10)
  • The number of criteria (from 1 to 3 – loudest/lowest in volume, highest/lowest in pitch, longest/shortest)
  • The number of sounds (from 2 to 4)
  • The number of listenings (from 1 to 5)
  • The choice of instrument (manual or random)
  • Another variant allows you to define whether the user will know the criteria before memorization, or not.

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Other auditory attention exercises:

Bird Songs

Auditory working memory

You’ve Got Voicemail

Auditory memory, comprehension

The Squeaking Mouse

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