What is Cognitive Remediation Therapy
and What is HappyNeuron Pro?

With our cognitive exercises, therapists can provide a strong cognitive remediation treatment curriculum for their patients. Cognitive remediation focuses on rehabilitating deficits in a process that is frequently called “Cognitive Remediation Therapy”.


Concentrated primarily in the northeast United States, this therapeutic technique is beginning to spread worldwide as clinicians are beginning to see it’s efficacy for intervening on neurological, psychiatric, and geriatric health disparities. This therapeutic process is broken down into the following five steps.

Dance with the Fireflies - Sample

Five steps of Cognitive Remediation Therapy:

1. The clinician conducts a cognitive assessment of a patient.

2. The clinician assigns tasks that focus on areas of weakness.

3. The clinician explains the tasks and their relevancy to the patient.

4. The patient does the task alongside the clinician and does additional practice as assigned.

5. The patient uses developed skills from digital practice in real life.


The entire goal of the cognitive remediation therapy process is to build and improve cognitive skills, so that clients can transfer them into real life. To help your patients do so, it is important to make sure that the tasks you’ve assigned to your patients target the right cognitive abilities, have an adapted challenge level, and are done with the right frequency and intensity. HappyNeuron Pro’s exercises allow the clinician total control so as to ensure the right targeting of cognitive skills, intensity, and difficulty of exercises.

happyneuron exercises for remediation

What is HappyNeuron Pro?

HappyNeuron Pro is a digital platform offering cognitive training exercises that clinicians can use with their patients. Not only can you use our platform in a clinical setting, but you can also assign “homework” or exercises for your patients to do on their own at home. This is a great way to start conditioning your patients to be more independent and carry out certain tasks on their own.

Get started today!

Many innovative clinicians have chosen HappyNeuron Pro to help with the cognitive remediation therapy curriculum they are providing. Our program offers medical professionals all kinds of cognitive remediation therapy exercises to help them intervene on a variety of cognitive deficits. You can try it for yourself with a Free Trial along with our cognitive remediation therapy worksheets.

digital cognitive exercises

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Pulling from our decades of experience in Cognitive Therapeutics, we aim to help you enrich your practice through the use of digital and paper tools.